Thursday, July 7, 2011

Learn from Experience

Learn from every experience you've ever had.  Even the ones you didnt intend to have.  Every experience Good & bad was thrown into your path for a reason.  The better the experience - the harder you will attempt to repeat it.  The harder the experience the longer the lesson will remain.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Powerful thoughts

The strongest power in the world is the power of thought. If you choose to assume you’re powerless then your assumption will make itself true. When you control your thoughts then you have taken control of your life. How you think of yourself on the inside determines the person you'll become on the outside. Think about the person you want to become then become the person you think about.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Challenge can make you stop, or it can make you unstoppable. Challenge can be frustrating, yet in that frustration is a powerful degree of motivation. The worse you feel, the more you are willing to conquer whatever's provoking you. Flip challenge around to make yourself an even bigger challenge towards anything that dares challenge you.

Monday, June 6, 2011

I cross the line every chance I get

We were told to never cross the line but who exactly painted the line we're supposed to stay one side of. Those who break bounderies are the ones who have crossed the line from ordinary to extraordinary. In order to reach the destination you choose you must first follow your own path without any compromise to yourself. Listen to your own intuition and have the spirit of confidence in all you do.

Knowledge of self

You don't need high intelligence in order to learn. The things you learn stay with you always. No person, no circumstance can take them away from you. Knowledge has real value, and there is no danger of anyone stealing that value away from you. In fact the more you share it with others the more valuable it becomes to you. Share what you've learned then learn a little more.

Own conclusion

What’s wrong is never made right just because everyone else is doing it. A bad idea is not made better just because everybody agreed with it. We place a great deal on what others think and even more on what large numbers of people think. Everyone is capable of being mistaken even in large numbers. Stay in touch with what the rest of the world is doing yet at he same time decide for yourself.

Fulfilled Needs

Whatever you truly desire could never be taken from anyone else. Whatever it is you actually want could only fulfill your own unique purpose. When you reach for the common tokens of fulfillment you push the real substance farther away. There's no such thing as something for nothing. Even if there were you wouldn't want it. It would bring no absolute fulfillment.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

To grow in life you must first grow as a person

You attract success to you by the person you become. No one cares about your dreams unless you back them up with action, discipline and commitment. Actions speak infinitely louder than words. The greatest thing you can ever offer anyone is the person you’ve become. Become the person you need to be in order to have the life you want. Invest in your future by investing in yourself.